Harry Leroy Jenkins was listed as the property owner from 1915 to 1918. Jenkins was a lumber baron who at one time owned all the logging rights to Savary.
In 1918 the property was purchased by Dr. Edwin Dixon Carder. He and his wife Margaret had one daughter, Margaret Jean (m. Bull). The house was built in 1920 with the help of Bill Mace.
The property was sold in 1932 to Dr. Ernie Gillies whose daughters were Barbara and Mary Lou.
In 1948 the property was purchased by the Gardiner family who were patients of Dr. Gillies. Their daughters were Rosemary (m. Hathaway) and Gloria (m. Fleck). Rosemary recalls that the taxes were only $50 per year. She remembers the lovely clucking sound of the chickens which were kept next door by the Keefers. Apparently when the rooster crowed, it sounded like he was calling Mrs. Gardiner’s name! Rosemary described the cottage as very private with a hedge across the front and lots of trees. Despite all the greenery, they had a lovely ocean view.
Photo and Painting of House by Rosemary (Gardiner) Hathaway (c.1950)
Mrs. Gardiner sold the property to John and Margaret Pitts in April 1959. When John Pitts and Bill Clarke arrived at Savary together on the Union Steamship line, there were two cabins for sale — the Spilsbury house at the foot of the wharf, and the Gardiner house. Bill took the Spilsbury house, and John bought the Gardiners’. The house remained in the Pitts family until 2020.
The property was sold in 2020 to Ross and Barbara Turnbull. Their daughters are Paige and Allison.
The Turnbull House with Ross Turnbull on the steps
Published 2024